PH joins UNFCCC Adaptation Committee

March 15, 2024 Friday

15 March 2024, Bonn, Germany. The Philippines formally joined the Adaptation Committee of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the first time, paving the way for deeper engagement to advance adaptation interests for developing countries.

The Philippines’ Climate Change Commission Secretary Robert E.A. Borje is participating in the meeting of the Adaptation Committee, following his appointment during the 28th Sessions of the Conference of Parties (COP28).  This is the first time a Filipino national was appointed to the Adaptation Committee in the body’s 14-year history since being established in 2010 through the COP16 Cancun Agreement.

“Much needs to be done for at-risk developing countries, including the Philippines. Our active involvement in the multilateral process, such as through the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee, is crucial to ensure that advancements in the global climate agenda particularly on adaptation aligns with national circumstances, and supports addressing the needs and priorities of nations most affected by climate change,” Borje said.

The Adaptation Committee convened its first meeting this year after the COP28 adoption of the following milestone decisions: outcomes of the first global stocktake, and the global goal on adaptation framework.

With adaptation gaps at global-level recognized, the Adaptation Committee will now focus on identifying recommendations anchored on the objectives of the Global Goal on Adaptation Framework: to enhance adaptation action and support, and reduce adverse impacts and risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change.

Membership in the Adaptation Committee, as well as participation in these meetings are aligned with President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s guidance for the Philippines to advance core Philippine interests in transformative climate action and to actively engage in multilateral fora and events, as part of the country’s commitment to address climate change.

President Marcos’ guidance reflects climate change as a priority of the Philippine government, with the meetings seen as a means to encourage countries to further accelerate climate action, and discuss resourcing to support actions by developing nations.

Borje served as the Philippines’ lead negotiator for global stocktake and transparency workstreams in COP28, and was appointed member of the Adaptation Committee to represent developing countries at the same conference. The Committee comprises 16 members: 2 each from the 5 United Nations regional groups, 1 from a least developed country Party, 2 from Annex 1 Parties, and 2 from Parties not included in Annex 1.

The Adaptation Committee is a constituted body under the UNFCCC tasked to provide guidance to the work of countries on climate change adaptation and resilience.

The 25th meeting of the Adaptation Committee is being held at the UN Campus, Bonn, Germany.

This will be followed by the 2024 Adaptation Forum from 18 to 19 March in Bonn, Germany, and the NAP Expo in April in Dhaka, Bangladesh